Burn Injuries
Charlotte, North Carolina Burn Injury Lawyers
To its victim, a serious burn injury is often more devastating even than a similarly debilitating injury of another type. Burn victims frequently experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They may also have lost friends or loved ones in the accident that caused the burn injury.
Any deep partial thickness or full thickness burn will require extensive emergency care, medium-term treatment and long-term therapy. If you or a loved one has sustained a burn injury due to negligence, wrongdoing or a defective product, you have the right to seek compensation from those responsible.
The Sasser Law Firm in Charlotte, North Carolina helps burn injury victims throughout the Carolinas obtain compensation from those whose negligence or wrongdoing caused their injuries. The firm is wholly committed to bringing resolution to their injured clients’ cases.
To schedule a free initial consultation call the firm toll free at 866-770-8681 or send an e-mail.
Experienced And Dedicated Client Advocacy
The personal injury lawyers of The Sasser Law Firm are passionate about seeing that justice is done for their clients. The firm has the resources, knowledge and experience to understand the long-term implications of a burn injury.
They help people throughout both North and South Carolina who have sustained burn injuries in serious vehicular accidents, and workplace accidents. The firm has an extensive unsafe products practice, enabling them to handle burn injury cases involving dangerous or caustic chemicals such as liquid cement, industrial alkaline-based compounds, and many common household products.
The firm frequently works with medical specialists and other professionals to gain a clear understanding of the cause and impact of the injury, whether it was a thermal burn, electrical burn or chemical burn. That impact affects both the person who was burned and the family, and it can have effects for years to come:
- Burn injuries are known to be particularly painful and require pain management.
- Burns can require extensive medical treatment, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, skin graft surgery, and functional and cosmetic reconstruction. In some cases, amputation may be required.
- Long-term effects of a burn injury can include:
- Permanent stiffness and a loss of mobility that cannot be completely cured
- Joint contracture
- Loss of certain physical abilities
- Damage to muscles, tissues or virtually any bodily system
- Burn reconstruction surgery is technically demanding and prone to a higher complication rate than other reconstructive surgery. Also, infections of all kinds are more common in burn injury victims.
- Extensive and sometimes unstable scarring, disfigurement, and even visible deformities may occur, adding to the victim’s psychological distress.
Contact The Sasser Law Firm
If you or a loved one has sustained a burn injury, you can rest assured knowing that their team of attorneys is dedicated to obtaining full and fair compensation for you. Contact the firm today to arrange a free initial consultation.